Score Comment Excellent Excellent Better than the interviews! Excellent I enjoyed this more than the original interview but I will rewatch this now Excellent Excellent Excellent Gripping! Excellent Langella made me believe he was Nixon Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Compelling well acted and structured Excellent Good to revisit the time you lived through and re-understand it. Excellent Excellent Great end to an enjoyable and stimulating season. Thank you Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Best of the season Excellent Very good Excellent Gripping! Excellent Excellent Please show the actual interview Excellent A must see film Excellent Absolutely riveting Excellent Brilliant acting. An excellent end to an enjoyable season Excellent fascinating and gripping even if we know the outcome Excellent Excellent Best film this BAS season Excellent The best of the season Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent When will it be Blair's turn Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent well cast and acted Excellent Excellent still after 2nd watch Excellent brilliant/compelling Excellent powerful and interesting Excellent was the green glow a good idea? Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Enjoyable but picture quality shocking.Whe it started green it should have been stopped and reset anew Average